Metro Detroit Drug Crimes Attorney

Proudly Serving Southfield, Warren & Troy

Whether you’re charged with simple possession or a more serious delivery/manufacture drug crime, the Court process can be daunting. The State of Michigan has been cracking down on everyone from drug dealers to personal users, so it’s important to put a plan in place before you enter a Courtroom.

Detroit Drug Crimes Attorney

Most of the time with delivery/manufacture charges, Prosecutors take several weeks to issue charges. The Michigan State Police Crime Laboratory must test and confirm the presence of the suspected drug before you can be charged. This waiting period is vital and the case can be won or lost during this time. It’s important to always be proactive.

Don’t wait for charges to be issued before you contact an attorney. Make sure you contact an attorney immediately after the raid so you can know what to expect down the road. The process varies from county to county and city to city, so having a knowledgeable attorney on your side will ease your mind.

With possession cases, the law provides some avenues to keep a conviction off your record, given that you don’t have any other drug crimes on your record. I will set up a plan to help you achieve this when available and guide you through the process.

It’s important to be proactive, as in any criminal case, so that you can be ahead of the game when you go to Court.

Top Drug Crime Questions

  • Will I go to jail?
  • Can I keep my record clear?
  • How will this impact my driver’s license?

Call Today for a Free Case Review at (248) 281-6991

Metro Detroit Drug Crimes Attorney

Metro Detroit Drug Crimes Attorney

Penalties for drug charges in Michigan can be tough and, in some cases, you could even face life imprisonment if convicted. In addition, many drug charges are also accessed expensive fines which can be financially crippling.

Our experienced legal team is prepared to gather the proper evidence to build a strong case against anything the prosecutor’s office may bring against you.  We will look for weaknesses in their case including but not limited to ignoring your Miranda rights to the illegal gathering of evidence. Call our Metro Detroit criminal defense team at The Bennett Law Firm PLC today for your free case review at (248) 281-6991

Prescription Drug Charges

Possessing a prescription drug without a legal prescription from a physician is against the law.  These drugs include Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, Xanax and more.  If you are caught with any of these in your possession without holding a prescription you could be charged with a felony drug crime. The charges you could face range from the illegal sale of Rx drugs to allegations of fraud. There are strict penalties for these charges if convicted.  Penalties related to prescription drug charges range from one year in jail up through life imprisonment depending on the severity of the charges and quantity seized by the police. Don’t wait until you’re arrested! Contact The Bennett Law Firm to defend you against any impending prescription drug charges.

Drug Possession (Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, Heroin)

Even though the laws have changed related to marijuana in Michigan, charges related to the possession of a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 controlled substance are still very serious.  There are varying penalties depending on the drug and the amount of the substance in your possession at the time of your arrest.  Narcotic drug possession charges have prison sentences ranging from 4 years up through life imprisonment and come with hefty fines up to $1,000,000.  A person charged with a drug-related crime related to ecstasy and methamphetamine could receive up to 10 years in prison if convicted for possession.  If you are facing a drug possession crime contact The Bennett Law Firm today at (248) 281-6991

Possession with Intent to Deliver

Anyone charged with possession with the intent to deliver could be facing drastically increased penalties over simple possession charges if convicted.  Charges related to the possession of a Schedule 1 narcotic with the intent to deliver means that you could be facing anywhere from 20 years in prison to life imprisonment.  In addition, being charged with the intent to deliver methamphetamine could incur up to 20 years in jail and fines up to $25,000, if convicted.  These are serious charges that could have a major impact on your life for many years to come, so you need the experience of our legal team behind you when facing these charges.  Contact us right now for a no-cost review of your case.

Michigan Marijuana Defense Attorneys

Marijuana possession in Michigan is governed under two laws.  First, is the 2008 Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) which allows for the possession of the drug for medicinal purposes.  Patients registered with the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (MMMP) are allowed to possess any amount of marijuana.  Under the 2018 Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act (MRTMA) the retail sale of marihuana to Michigan adults ages 21 and older through outlined parameters is allowed.

Many of the former penalties and fines under the MMMA do not apply due to the passage of MRTMA in 2018.  If you have questions about former charges under the old law, contact The Bennett Law Firm today.

Even though the MRTMA allows adults to possess marijuana, there are certain parameters under which you can be fined or charged while using the substance.  First, there are fines for using marijuana in public which come with a $100 civil infraction.  Other civil infractions can be incurred when you possess over a certain amount of marijuana in your home without restricting access to it from other people.  The new law also limits the amount of marijuana that can be grown or purchased.  Under MRTMA an adult can possess up to 10 ounces and cultivate up to 12 marijuana plants for their personal use.

Infractions related to these regulations vary depending on how many violations you have incurred along with how much marijuana is in your possession.  Our drug defense lawyers can help you when facing any of these infractions.  You cannot be jailed for these violations, but they will be reported on your record and in many cases come with fines up to $2,000.

For individuals below the legal age limit, the penalties vary by age.  Individuals under the age of 18 may be required to participate in a drug education class along with paying fines while individuals ages 18-21 will not be required to participate in the education class.  If you are facing multiple violations related to the MRTMA, contact our Metro Detroit drug offense attorneys to help you with your case.

Hire an Experienced Drug Crime Lawyer in Metro Detroit

Facing a drug charge in Michigan can be very serious and you need an experienced legal team to represent you.  The drug crime legal team at The Bennett Law Firm, PLC is ready to assist you in your case today.  Contact us now to have a Metro Detroit drug charge lawyer defend you. Call us for your free case review at (248) 281-6991.

We represent Michigan clients accused of drug crimes including:

  • Drug Cultivation and Manufacture
  • Drug Distribution and Sale
  • Distribution of Medical Marijuana
  • Drug Charges Pre-File Investigation
  • Federal and Major Felony Drug Trafficking
  • Possession of Marijuana
  • Possession of Methamphetamines
  • Cocaine Possession
  • Heroin Possession
  • Ecstasy Possession
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Marijuana Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
  • Meth Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
  • Cocaine Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
  • Heroin Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
  • Ecstasy Possession With Intent to Sell or Deliver
  • Prescription Drug Crime Charges

Call Today for a Free Case Review at (248) 281-6991